Tuesday, October 19, 2010

wat the h

feel damn bad for no reason
what the h. am i
early in the morning
hyper like nobody business
business exam make me feel ok ok
but i am still hyper for that
feel like a piece of shit
wth seriously?
not bcz of mid term for sure
this wunt bring a huge huge huge emotional effect toward me
just now having a meeting for the coming event
feel i am doing nothing
feel i am passion-less in this
how come
eh please lar
once you carry the responsible
can you put 100% effort inside ar
can be carry more responsible ar
can you be more active when discussing ar
can you done somethings perfect
perfect perfect perfect
what is the definition of it
everyone praise you for that
everyone like your ideas
everyone agree with you
everyone loves you
could it be possible
too many things you need to carry
to many people you need to face with
although you say this is just a small mistake
and we can learn from these mistakes
but i realy cant accept mistake
i wana everything be done nicely
if can
i wouldnt allow mistake occur
but unfortunately
this already consider as a past tense
i really cant forget those mistakes that i had made
i learn somethings from it
but i didnt welcome it forever
people say
before people become successful
they must be a failure 1st
i do not want this theory apply on me
i want do everythings best
i wanna everythings to be nice
i want somethings that consider as PERFECT
but it seem like
impossible things?
i care those opinion
i care those ideas
i care their thinking
i care how they feel on me
i do care it
i mind it
when can i learn that
do not too care people's thinking?
why i need to guess people thinking toward me?
why i am so negative thinking?
you gonna study psychology ok
emotional thinking lead you failure
wake up
feel bad seriously

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