Friday, October 1, 2010

happy birthday to you~!


this is a good day

early in the morning
waiting shengyi at lrt
but she was late
i called , x answer
i sms , x reply
damn angry dat time
my birthday weh daijie

then i go alone

after reach there
saw my supplier
he ask "r u angry"
ofcz lar wehhh..
you try and see

finish class
went to hp. shop to charge hp
he didnt charge me for service
so good

wana return book to supplier
then met a lot of friend
chat there , jokes there and blar blar blar
hug a lot of ppl also

go pasar seni take rapidpass
the picture damn ....... erm erm :)
then we rush back
since shengyi said "yunfang gt shooting later"
we rush like F1 sport car
birthday girl need to rush for birthday meals
what theory is this?
i dun noe weh

when gona reach secret recipe
shengyi close my eyes
den wen i go in and open my eyes
saw shaun , mimi , diyana , juyi , calvin at thr
but sheng yi disapear
we chat and wait there
then sdnly juyi close my eyes
shaun and she sing beside my ears
damn noisy

when they prepare well
open my eyes
saw yunfang , shengyi , bunny , anneohasehyo , bamboo and khaiwyon
yunfang n shengyi take a big big card and laptop stand at there
a big big card that full with LOVE
a "hand-made" video that full of
12 pieces of cakes that different favour
i just stunned at there
12 pieces of cakes , how to finish it?

they said i must try each cakes
and tell them which 1 is nice
after i tried
they only started to eat the cakes

when watching at the video
i just feel "OMG"
too many "old" pictures inside
with the song that we LOVE the most at secondary school
damn touch weh

then looking at the big big card
shengyi said "read the T word"
i gt what she means
then the shaun damn cute
"anlar anlar , his 1 so nice lar..mine 1 nt nice"

shaun ar shaun
chill lar

take photo , eat lunch and cakes at thr
sms with he that time
fell good

back coll.
attend class.

when back home
dat sheng yi said "yon, roti boy lo"
me "ok , we gt rapidpass..hahahha'
when reach klcc station
went down
shengyi keep asking me look forward

dat kiampa girl wehhhh
i nvr nvr nvr expect i will saw her at that my birthday
she gave me a pendrive

finally i noe why dat shengyi sdnly junxaeng
wen denzie said "since 2dy is our birthday , i fetch you bk"
she said "no,yon~! i want lrt"

wen bk to wangsa maju
called mummy
mummy said "your fren sms me and said will fetch you bk"
"lol mumy , whr gt? no lar.."

shengyi ask "who? what?"
"neh , dun noe wich za pian ji tuan sms my mum said gt ppl fetch me bk"

when we reach thr
shengyi said "my brother fetch you back"
then she open the front door
i was thinking "lol.. your brother's car why i sit infront"
when i look inside , see that GAN CHEE HEING
damn suprise larr

then we go feeling cafe there
met charlotte at there
charlotte belanja some tasty food
yummy weh
we chat a lot at thr
then chee heing paid bills
and become driver to fetch us back
damn love his car weh
very comfortable
feel sleepy also

*there are a lot of feeling and thought that cant express in world , and some of the feeling just wish to keep as a secret.. it was sweet.... for me at that moment..

*i appreciate what yunfang and the liar did
love you so muchhhhhh
thanks for giving me a memorable day

* pictures , lazy upload :)

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